151540 review-love-fox-news-hard-watch love-fox-news-hard-watch http://www.foxnews.feedback/review-love-fox-news-hard-watch 34830 9 9 9 1 0 1 I love Fox News but find it hard to watch sometimes because certain hosts say way too many "Um's" and "Ahhs" Also, I have to turn to another channel when some hosts go on a interruption frenzy. If you ask your guest a question, you should let them answer. Just my opinion. <p>I love Fox News but find it hard to watch sometimes because certain hosts say way too many &#34;Um&#39;s&#34; and &#34;Ahhs&#34; Also, I have to turn to another channel when some hosts go on a interruption frenzy. If you ask your guest a question, you should let them answer. Just my opinion. </p> 2023-05-23T20:12+0000

I love Fox News but find it hard to watch sometimes because certain hosts say way too many "Um's" and "Ahhs" Also, I have to turn to another channel when some hosts go on a interruption frenzy. If you ask your guest a question, you should let them answer. Just my opinion.